The Story of Manifestation 3.0

About the creator of Manifestation 3.0: Mary Lee

Since young, Mary Lee had a dream to study psychology at Harvard and to become a leading expert in the field; this is a dream that many wish for. Through hard work and determination, she eventually got accepted by Harvard – talk about a dream come true!

While the acceptance to Harvard was the greatest news ever, there was a huge obstacle standing in front of her. Mary wasn’t awarded the scholarship and that meant that she had to pay a hefty school fee to attend Harvard.

Coming from poverty, Mary has always been struggling financially; barely making ends meet and having to work twice as hard as everyone else to get through school. Having to pony up tens of thousands of dollars in just a few short months was not going to be an easy feat.

With the fee submission deadline closing in and being nowhere near the target, Mary was devasted. She was close to giving up on her dream until her fateful encounter with Janet in the park did her destiny truly changed.

Janet introduced Mary to the concept of Manifestation Levels and explained to her the scientific causes that hinders our true ability to manifest as we desire.

With her newly gained knowledge and successful attempt in manifesting enough money to pay for her fees to Harvard, Mary was adamant in sharing this knowledge with the world.

Together with Janet, a top-notch recording team and a bunch of testing, Manifestation 3.0 was born – the only manifestation program that addresses the root cause of our poor manifestation abilities.

Check out our Products page for more details on the program.