
Manifestation 3.0 is a 3-step brain-building audio program. Each track targets a different step of the brain-building process – from removing the “undesirable” part of you to stimulating the neural pathway of your frontal cortex and thereby improving your manifestation ability.

All you have to do is plug into the tracks for 7 days each, every night before bed - it’s that easy! Each track is blended with high-quality, real nature sounds for a truly unique and immersive listening experience.

Here’s what you’ll get with each copy of The Manifestation 3.0 program:

Manifestation 3.0 – 3 Audio Tracks (MP3)

Plus 3 Exclusive Binaural Beats targeted in the
area of Stress, Sleep and Anxiety (MP3)!

Manifestation 3.0 Track 1

Track #1 is for clearing away the version of you that is “stuck” with the downfalls of life. With this track, you are finally becoming “unstuck” in all areas of your life; unstuck from toxic relationships, painful health problems, debts, struggles…

At the end of the first week, you will be beaming with positivity and a new found sense of good fortune and success.

Manifestation 3.0 Track 2

Track #2 stimulates the growth of neural connections in your frontal cortex. This track helps to create a safe and supportive space of positive growth in your mind. You will begin to embody the energy, compassion, creativity and purpose just as the many successful achievers in the world.

Manifestation 3.0 Track 3

Track #3 is the final step towards manifestation Level 3.0. This stage is what brings your greatest dreams to life. With this track, you will be able to see the real magic of manifestation and witness how easy it is to be rewarded.

Success Loves Speed

The Manifestation 3.0 program is designed for maximum convenience and for you to get started right-away.

So, the full program is delivered over the internet. Nothing is shipped. There are no waiting days (or weeks) for any postal delivery. And no shipping charges or shipment delays

Learn More

Take our Free Quiz to find out where your Manifestation Level is at now: